Thursday, May 31, 2012

Memorial day cake disaster

     Memorial day seemed like the perfect day to start on my basic cake decorating skills.
I had already made my fondant, buttercream icing, and gelatin bubbles. Now all I needed was to bake my cake, crumb coat it, put fondant on it and decorate it.
    After the cake was finished I let it cool and cut it out of the pan with a butter knife, then swiped my hands over the ends of the cake to let some loose crumbs fall off, then, I crumb coated. A youtube tutorial said to leave it in the fridge for at least two hours. After I got it out. I was ready to try putting on the fondant.
The fondant didn't turn out too bad for my first time! It was the icing that ruined it. I had no idea, that you weren't supposed to decorate with buttercream icing. I'll be using royal for now on for decorating.
It was a hot day, so I turned on the air conditioning during the time that the cake was in the fridge.

                        But the icing started to melt anyway, and the words were running together!
                                My beautiful disaster in the fridge after I finished decorating.
                                              The first piece has been cut and served!
It wasn't that much of a disaster, but it was defiantly disappointing since I had been looking forward to this all week. Everyone loved the cake! But apparently my family isn't a fondant lover, so I'll have to be trying out some other recipes.

-Cake Crumb Girl

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