Sunday, September 23, 2012

Course One: Wilton Cake Decorating Basics: Lesson Three

     Homework this week was to bake 6 cupcakes and bring to class. Mrs.Cristol told us to bring more, so I baked 12 and froze the rest of the batter.
     I already knew some of the basics of cupcake decorating from my cupcake class, but I told Mrs.Cristol that I wanted to master the cupcake swirl this time, if you check out my post about my cupcake class at Michaels you'll see the picture of my somewhat but not completely failed cupcake swirl. I think I made quite an improvement yesterday with a bit of practice.
And yes, both of these are my work. Obviously the one on the right is after I had a bit of practice with it. (:
I LOVED learning the shell boarder in class yesterday. I've tried it before, but just tried it based off of pictures, not actual experience.
Hold your pastry bag at a 45 degree angle at 6 o'clock. Have your tip just above the surface of your practice sheet. Squeeze, "puff puff puff" down. Lift up your pastry bag and repeat, squeeze, puff puff puff, down. And so on.
For rosettes make a complete star and go up a level, imagine a clock. Start your rosette at 9 o'clock, move to 12 o'clock. Move to 3 o'clock, move to 6 o'clock, stop pressure and round off at 9 o'clock.
Next, me and my classmate picked up our cupcake nail.
Hold the cupcake nail like shown below with three fingers on the outside of the stick and your thumb and picky on the inside of the stick. Always move the nail clockwise. Mrs.Cristol laughed at me several times yesterday for going counterclockwise.
Don't spin the nail too fast, work at a slow pace unlike my classmate, which was practicing using the cupcake nail with a cupcake on it simply trying to learn how to move it when her cupcake went flying! This can be a dangerous tool. :P
Shown above are shaggy mums and pompom flowers.
Three of these cupcakes are Mrs.Cristol's work. The pink shaggy mum farthest to the left is hers, along with the cupcake with sprinkles and the lone white cupcake in the corner. The rest is my work.
Mrs.Cristol found it very impressive that I followed her instruction, but got better results. I simply told her that I was doing what she told me to do! I don't have any deep dark secrets of cake decorating. (Yet, anyway..)
I enjoyed the shaggy mum. And the pompom flower was surprisingly easy. The one closest to the front of the box is my last one, so I improved even in a few minutes.
Next week is my final Saturday of course one!
I wanted to go a step up in my cakes, so I'm choosing a challenging one.
Mrs.Cristol told me that there's a lot of work involved in the cake I chose, but I told her that it'll be rewarding in the end. She smiled and laughed at me. Saying that half of her students that are adults just take the class and get by with the basics.
I like the look of the cake and I think I'm ready for it.
I have to make the border flowers in advance and dry them. Which is 12 of each color.
They're called the drop flower. We tried this in class today. Tip: 2D, Hold pastry bag at 90 degrees, Face your knuckles at 9 o'clock, squeeze while gradually turning to 12 o'clock, stop pressure and lift up.
I kind of got carried away with practicing. :D
I'm so excited for next week.
I'll be taking course two in October, but I'll be missing a Saturday. No worries though! Mrs. Cristol said that I could catch up by coming to a Thursday class that week to make up for it.
Thanks so much for stopping by!
-Cake Crumb Girl

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