Monday, October 22, 2012

Course one: Wilton Cake Decorating Basics: Lesson Four

In lesson four Mrs. Cristol taught my classmate and I how to do the ribbon rose. That may sound easy, but it quickly took up an hour and a half of the class leaving only a half hour to finish our cakes.

As I said in my last post, I wanted something challenging. And so it was. Not picture perfect, but it's still pretty (:

Mrs.Cristol told me that very rarely does anyone choose this cake as their final project. Most people don't want to go through all the trouble of making all the different colors...etc etc.
But taking these courses, I want to get the most that I can out of each lesson. (:
Course One has been a fantastic adventure.
I'll be back soon for course 2!
-Cake Crumb Girl


  1. I like this one the best so far. Love the colors! It's so pretty.

  2. That cake...looks absolutely amazing! I want some now.. ;) Could you make a cake for our Christmas break hangout? Stevie'd die of delight. haha (: Love ya!

  3. Thanks, Elizabeth!!

    Thank you Katrina(: I'll try my best!!
