Wednesday, August 29, 2012

My cupcake class at Michaels

     To be honest the entire morning I wasn't really looking forward to my cupcake class. I was feeling nervous and wanting to cancel. But I'm so glad I didn't.  My teacher was one of the best teachers you could possibly have. I was the only one in the class today, so I had some great one on one time with my teacher, Mrs. Cristal. She asked me how I got interested in cake decorating and told me about some of her previous students who have opened small businesses. Mrs. Cristal has been doing cake decorating for 30 years and has been teaching classes at Michaels for over 5 years now.

     I've been signed up for this class for over a month, it was supposed to happen in July but she had to cancel on us. So I've had plenty of time to get all the supplies I need.
     When I got there at Michaels they told us we'd be working at the makeshift classroom ( the classroom in the back was under construction so they put two tables in the front of the store, so of course a lot of people passing by interrupted the class, but I didn't mind) my mom had left and I had all of my stuff laid out on the table. The first thing my teacher told me to do was get out a pastry bag, a coupler, scissors and my 230 tip. 230? I didn't have a 230. I started to freak out a little bit. I had a 103 tip. Did I read it wrong on the website? I told my teacher and she brainstormed. "Okay. This is what we're going to're going to LOVE this idea. Go to the cake decorating section, get the cupcake set and bring it back here to me."
If only you could've seen how my jaw dropped. My heart tends to feel achy and very heavy when I feel like I'm about to do something wrong. I stared at her for awhile and finally asked "Isn't that stealing?" She let out a bark of laughter "Not at all dear! I work here!" I looked at her again, acknowledged her comment and walked off to the cake decorating section and brought back the kit (which was $8.99... so that didn't help me feel any better about taking it). She was just as I left her, still laughing about my question. She looked at me and laughed "If only more kids were like you. There would've been SO many other kids that would've gotten it without question." I had told her in the beginning that I was probably going to be a bit different than the average teenager that she teaches. She asked me about shows on tv and the mall and was completely shocked that I'm not a regular for either of them. I think I gave her a new perspective on teenagers...there are some good ones out there. Where was I? Right! Cupcakes...
     I filled 8 cupcakes with icing and the 230 tip out of the cupcake set (which she decided to let me keep since  she'd canceled out on us.) The 230 tip is called a bismarck tip, it's longer and smaller than the average tip, you simply center the bismarck tip in the middle of the cupcake and push down until you're almost at the bottom then come back up with heavy pressure. I've seen many other ways of how to fill a cupcake in library books. Some people prefer to cut out a small hole, pipe in some icing, then put the small hole they cut out back in the same place, tap it down lightly and pipe a decorating over top the cupcake. Filling a cake is a completely different matter, if Mrs. Cristal teaches me how, I'll explain it to you. :)
These two are her examples for me.
Can't say mine was as good, but hey..she's been doing this for 30 years. I've barely been doing it for 5 months!
She taught me some basic piping on waxed paper. Stars, dots, and rosettes.
I already know them, but it's so much better to be taught it person. I learned better dots and way better rosettes than what I was doing for my Olympic cake on week six of Thursdays with Cake Crumb Girl.
Doing 90 degree stars over the entire cupcake was defiantly my favorite thing I learned today.
(Mind you all these cupcakes have made it through travel, so they may appear...damaged. I forgot to take my camera and only remembered when we were almost half way there.)
My teacher let me use all her sprinkles and color mist spray (which I used above)
This two hour class was very much worth it and I had a great time getting to know my teacher.
-Cake Crumb Girl


A request from my Aunt

     I received a call from my Aunt a few days ago. She works at a restaurant in Damascus, Maryland called Tom & Rays (I've actually worked there a few times to help her out). She was asking if I was interested in making two cakes for the restaurant. The person who normally makes cakes for them was out of town on vacation. So I accepted the offer. Plus she was paying me $15 each cake.
    I decided on making my Grandma's Apple Sauce Raisin Cake and my Nana's Red Velvet Cake.
I put my Grandma's cake in the oven right before I went to do school for the day...or at least went downstairs to do school anyway... ;)
After I finished school I worked on the red velvet cake.
Here I'm working on indents with a spoon to create a whipped look.
I think it turned out looking pretty professional.
My Aunt called last night. The apple sauce raisin cake went over very well. There happens to be quite the buzz going on about the new cake in town. She took the cake at 4 o'clock pm and there was only two pieces left when they closed, so she requested us to make another one!
How exciting!
Thanks for stopping by!
-Cake Crumb Girl

My Uncle's birthday surprise!

     My Aunt and Uncle invited Britney( my sister) and I to join them, Kurtis and his girlfriend, Bryanna to a week long vacation at a beach house near Fenwick Island, Delaware.
 During vacation it was going to be my uncle's birthday.  So I decided to surprise him with cupcakes.
My uncle LOVES lighthouses. I came up with an idea of finding 5  images of nautical clip art on Google images. I printed them out on card stock and taped them to a toothpick, which I stuck in the cupcake. I thought they turned out quite good!
     It took us until 12am to finish them. Uncle Dean didn't go to bed until about 10pm. Then I had to get the cupcake batter  mixed, heat up the oven, let the cupcakes cool...etc. I didn't have the equipment to make my own icing so I used store bought spray icing. It was actually very hard to convince uncle Dean to get eggs. I needed three eggs for my cupcakes!
They went over very well and I think uncle Dean appreciated them.
Thanks for stopping by!
-Cake Crumb Girl

Thursdays with Cake Crumb Girl

     I finished Thursdays with Cake Crumb Girl a few weeks ago. It's been a fun experience even including having icing ALL over the kitchen. And believe me when I say...criso is a nightmare to wash! One time I was trying an icing tip from this lovely lady on pinterest:
When I started swinging the icing around in the syrian wrap; icing just decided to explode everywhere! So when I say "all over the kitchen" I MEAN all over the kitchen! :)
     Over this Summer time experience I've learned a lot more than I think I would've figured out on my own. Like how to hold the pastry bag...90 degrees is for stars and rosettes and 45 degrees is for roses on a flower nail.
      I'm continuing working on my credit by doing other little things I'll be blogging about soon.
Stay tuned! My credit hasn't been earned just yet :)

                                                       Thanks for stopping by!
                                                     -Cake Crumb Girl

Week seven: Thursdays with Cake Crumb Girl

     Hello everybody! I hope you all have been having a great month.
A few weeks ago the Olympics were going on, so for Thursday I decided to make an Olympic cake!

On the bottom are mini rosettes. I put red and blue gel paste on the sides of my pastry bag, which leaves a trio color effect.
Just about done!
I used a cap from an old juice bottle (completely clean) to make impressions in the icing to create the colors of the Olympic rings.
In the picture I'm working on smaller trio colored rosettes.
The final product.
I used a toothpick to write in the icing so it was easier for me to pipe out U.S.A.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
-Cake Crumb Girl